性侵犯 Information and 资源 - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口

What to Do If You Have Been Assaulted or Raped

  • 去一个安全的地方. 你的安全是第一位的.
  • Call a friend or family member; someone you trust, for support.
  • Get immediate medical attention at the nearest emergency room. 医疗护理很重要 保护你免受性传播疾病的侵害,并照顾任何伤害. A 医学检查也是证据收集的重要组成部分 警方报告. Evidence should be collected within 72 hours. 辩护人可以见面 你在指定的医院. The advocate can stay with you to provide support 回答问题. To obtain an advocate, call San Bernardino 性侵犯 Services at 909-335-8777.
  • 报警. Reporting 的攻击 to the police is a matter of choice. 如果你 决定不马上去警察局,写下你能记得的一切 about what happened and save it in case you change your mind later.
  • 如果你 think you may want to press legal charges -
  • 不要洗澡
  • DO NOT brush your teeth, smoke, eat or drink
  • 不换衣服
  • Evidence should be collected within 72 hours

Assistance for Victims of 性侵犯s

SBCCD警察致力于确保学生,员工和其他人 被性侵犯的人是否得到了治疗、医疗和咨询 和信息,他们被敏感地,有尊严地和保密地对待. 我们尽一切努力确保我们的教育环境促进和协助 及时报告性侵犯并提供富有同情心的支持服务 幸存者. Prompt reporting of 性ual assaults is encouraged.


性侵犯应向有管辖权的执法机构报告 over the location 犯罪发生地点. 性侵犯s that occur on campus or 任何地区设施应致电909-389-3275向地区警察报告. 当犯罪发生在区外时,区警将协助幸存者 通过促进与对该地点有管辖权的执法部门的联系 犯罪发生地点. 举报可以匿名进行. 某些地区雇员 必须报告任何对18岁以下,65岁以上, or a dependent adult, should they become aware of such a crime.


任何被性侵犯的人都有几种法律选择:刑事起诉 against the assailant; and/or civil prosecution against the assailant; and/or the 如果攻击者是学校员工或学生的话.


SBCCD对性侵犯和强奸的反应旨在确保一个安全的环境 为性侵犯受害者举报犯罪,并确保受害者得到 适当的治疗、信息和/或转介到社区机构和医疗机构 设施. 性侵犯 statistics are available to the public regarding crimes 在大学校园及其附近报道. You may find this information about Crafton Hills College on the following website:


性侵犯的受害者应该与受害者辩护律师会面,进行多达10次的同伴咨询 会话. During these 会话, 幸存者 are given a safe place to talk about their 和一个理解幸存者的经历和意愿的人在一起的经历 不带评判地倾听. The 会话 also provide an opportunity for the advocate 讨论未来的安全,健康目标的设定和其他社区的可用性 幸存者的资源. 性侵犯 advocates also provide medical, law enforcement and court accomplishment/support services. Professional counseling may also be available 鼓励愈合过程. Below are some resources that will refer or provide 这些服务.


CHC警察局 909-389-3276
健康 & 健康中心 909-389-3272
Office of the Vice President of 学生服务 909-389-3354


San Bernardino County 社区 资源

圣贝纳迪诺性侵犯热线 1-800-656-4673
San Bernardino 性侵犯 Services (Redlands) 909-335-8777
Yucaipa外展 909-790-9374
选择房子 909-381-3471
San Bernardino 性侵犯 Services (San Bernardino) 909-885-8884
内陆县法律服务 909-884-8615
圣贝纳迪诺县性病诊所 909-383-3080
性病热线 909-227-8922
紧急避孕热线 888 -不- 2晚
圣贝纳迪诺县计划生育 800-722-4777


National 性侵犯 Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE, ext.4673
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE, ext. 7233
或1-800-787-3224 (TDD)

性侵犯 in its simplest definition, is unwanted 性ual contact. 性侵犯 包括强奸行为(未经同意的口交、肛交或阴道性交)或强迫 penetration by a foreign object (including a finger). 它还包括非穿透性 acts such as touching an unwilling person's 性ual 部分 (e.g. 乳房、臀部、生殖器); 裸体或穿著衣服,或强迫不情愿的人触摸他人的性器官 部分. 武力包括使用身体攻击,威胁身体攻击, or 性ual contact with a person who is unable to consent (e.g. 昏迷不醒,太醉了 同意、睡觉等.). Non-forceful 强迫 can also be used, for example; threatening 揭露秘密,告诉别人受害者和行凶者发生过性关系, 解雇员工或让学生不及格(这些情况也符合性行为的定义) 骚扰)或威胁受害者的朋友或家庭成员,都是形式 强迫. 性侵犯是由陌生人和受害者认识的人实施的. 事实上,绝大多数的强奸和性侵犯都是由某人犯下的 受害者知道,从朋友和熟人到约会对象,恋人 以及配偶或家庭伴侣. Although people often think of rape as something that only happens to women, this is not the case. 男人和女人都有性欲 所有种族、年龄、文化、宗教、经济背景的人都受到了侵犯, 或者性取向.

尽管这些定义看起来很清楚,但人们常常感到困惑,不知道它们是否正确 have been 性ually assaulted or not, or even if they have been raped or not. 这 尤其是当幸存者认识他们的攻击者时,就像他们经常感觉到的那样 他们以某种方式引导了这个人,或者他们在某种程度上对这个人负责 的攻击. In many cases, 幸存者 may feel that because they were not seriously hurt physically, it wasn't really rape. 这不是真的. 任何强迫性接触 upon you by someone against your will is illegal.


  • 大多数受害者是在他们认为安全的环境中被认识的人袭击的 对他们来说.
  • 70% of all rapes involve the use of alcohol and drugs.
  • 大约70%的女性强奸受害者和74%的男性强奸受害者认识他们的攻击者.
  • 66% of 的攻击s occurred inside a residence or vehicle.
  • 77% of the victims of acquaintance rape were between 14-25 years of age.
  • 52% of acquaintance rapes occurred between Friday and Sunday.
  • In 1999, one in every 10 rape victims were male.
  • 在遭受性侵犯的女性中,只有27%的人认为自己符合强奸的法律定义 认为自己是强奸受害者.
  • 42% of college women who are raped tell no one about their assault.
  • 犯下强奸罪的大学男生中有84%的人说他们所做的绝对不是强奸.
  • 近三分之一的大学男生表示,他们可能会与不情愿的人发生性关系 partner if they thought they could get away with it.


虽然没有单一的策略可以让你免受性侵犯或威胁 在这种情况下,有一些方法可以减少袭击发生的可能性.


  • 参加自卫课程.
  • Stay away from isolated areas, day or night. 把车停在光线充足的地方.
  • Beware of your surroundings - who is out there and what's going on. 相信你的直觉. 如果你 feel uncomfortable in your surroundings, leave.
  • 在你离开之前,一定要确保你有足够的汽油,并且你的车已经修好了.
  • 考虑携带一部手机.
  • 永远把门锁上. Carry your keys in your hand ready to use before you reach the door and don't prop open self-locking doors.
  • Know who is at the door before opening it. Ask for identification from anyone you 不知道.
  • 打电话时要小心,千万不要把你的电话号码或名字透露给一个错误的号码 caller or reveal to a caller that you are alone.
  • Encourage group activities in early stages of relationships.
  • 小心你的钥匙. Don't lend them out and do not put your name and address on your 关键环.


  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if you drink at all. 滥用药物会损害你的判断力 你有效沟通的能力剥夺了你的力量和行动能力, or think clearly if a dangerous situation develops.
  • 建立伙伴制度:和朋友一起参加聚会或俱乐部,并对每个人负责 其他. 事先为不舒服的情况准备好信号,并制定行动计划.
  • 记录自己喝的饮料:为了避免被下药,不要喝公共场所的饮料 drink container, don't leave your drink unattended, or make your own drinks.


  • Examine your needs and desires before you get into a 性ual situation.
  • Clearly tell your partner what you want. If there are limits that you want to maintain, 陈述它们是什么,并坚持它们.
  • Clearly ask your partner what he/she wants.
  • 互相倾听.
  • Be aware of non-verbal cues, but do not rely on them. 如果你不确定,就去问.
  • 沟通清晰,自信. Saying "yes" or "no" may be difficult, but it 是很重要的. Passive or polite approaches can be misunderstood or ignored.